
Why women go to the restroom together.

I believe I have finally found the reason women go to the restroom together.

It's so they can ditch a guy without looking suspicious.

I went out to a show last night and met a girl. We were talking for a while, everything seemed to be going OK she leans over and tells me that her and her friend are going to go to the restroom. OK, nothing strange here I know women head to the bathroom together all the time... especially after meeting someone new, I figure it's to discuss the new person without them being able to overhear the conversation.

About 15 min later I start to realize that the girls had been gone for quite some time. However it is also common for a women to take a long time in the restroom. But after another 15 min it became obvious that they had left. How annoying. I mean I'm pretty tough I can Handel an "I'm sorry I'm just not feeling it." Let me know you are leaving and that you don't want to talk anymore. Don't have me sitting there in doubt of whether you fell into the toilet or not.

I'm not sure why this was the only time this had ever happened to me. But it seems that this is a common tactic among women. I have since talked to a few of my female friends about this phenomenon and they are unwilling to shed any light on this subject. They get a really uncomfortable tone in their voice and all repeat the same thing "I don't know." either they really don't know or they have done it them selves :P Maybe my problem is that I am too honest. It could also have something to do that I understand that some men would not handle being told that the girl he is talking to is not interested.

I guess It was a little surprising because women have almost always felt comfortable telling me most anything. I wonder if the other night I was just a bit intimidating looking, I had not had time to shave before the show and was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Who knows I just felt it very.. well rude.

Just my wrantings.


This Sucks!

I can't believe this.

I just got a job about a month ago. I got a paycheck for the first week, I know this company is having some trouble they mentioned that they may ask me to hold my check for a little while.

Well my fist check comes and no such warning. The only instructions were to deposit it not cash it. I do as asked and it still bounced.

This is after being unemployed for about 4 months. What do you think I did with the money? As soon as I deposited the check I paid bills.

Now I have -500 dollars in my account because of the check return an Insufficient funds charges.

I'm so happy I've already got another job but I worry about the final paycheck I'm going to be picking up Friday. I may request that the amount of the first check the insufficient funds and this final check be presented to me as a cashier’s check, money order or cash...

I don't need this headache again


Try a Blog 2.0

OK hopefully I'll keep this blog up this time.

I seem t0 always forget about it, but I actually may have a reason to blog now so...

Check back soon to see what kinds of things I've been doing for school and what's been weighing on my mind.